These exercises are "Good for Everyone" and help to attain integral wellbeing as body, mind and soul come into balance.

Click on any of the sections below to see the exercises that are traditionally practiced each day for a duration of 2 weeks, followed by the next part. In total the Level 1 Sarva Hita Asana practice takes a total of 3 months. It is the perfect preparation for all future Yoga practices and helps the whole body relax, become supple and develops a gentle connection between the movement and breath.

 Sarva Hita Asanas | Part 1

 Sarva Hita Asanas | Part 2

 Sarva Hita Asanas | Part 3

 Sarva Hita Asanas | Part 4

 Sarva Hita Asanas | Part 5

 Sarva Hita Asanas | Part 6

Some effects of Level 1 and Yoga in Daily Life practice:

  • The feelings of greater flexibility, balance, strength and mobility.
  • The ability to sit for longer, thus enabling meditation and pranayam (breathing exercises) to be undisturbed and fulfilling.
  • Balance of the nervous system, so less stress, less shocks and a greater tendancy to remain calm in the face of challenges.
  • A developing sense of inner fulfillment and creativity. 

Whatever you seek through the practices of Yoga, be it health, inner peace, mental balance, greater energy, or spiritual development, it is gradual step, by step development that will truly enable you to reach your goal. The parts of level 1, also available in book form "Yoga in Daily Life The System" form your perfect and complete basis for further Yoga Studies.

Yoga in Daily Life - The System EBook 

8 Levels of Practice: Asanas, Pranayamas, Self-Enquiry Meditation, Relaxation, Chakras, Special conditions, Yogic Diet, and Philosophy. Full color pictures, extensive explanations and contra-indications for all poses.

Buy online (All links lead to the website of "Om Shiva Esoterik, Vienna, Austria" our partner for sales of downloadable products.)